Does the daily air purifier need to be on all the time?

With the improvement of living standards, people’s requirements for the living environment are also increasing, and many families will use air purifiers to purify indoor air. In the process of using, many people will ask a question: Does the air purifier need to be on all the time? How long is it appropriate?

air purifier

Air purifiers can filter PM2.5, dust, and allergens in the indoor air. Some air purifiers also have special functions, such as sterilization and disinfection or targeted filtering of certain pollutants. Some people say that the air purifier must be turned on for 24 hours to ensure that the air at home is always clean.

Some people say that the air purifier should not be left on all the time, because this is too wasteful of electricity, and the filter consumes too fast, and the replacement cost is too high, which will increase the economic burden; or worry that the machine will shorten the service life if it is kept on.

The air purifier is used in a closed room. Its working principle is the principle of internal circulation, which purifies the original indoor air. The machine sucks indoor air into the machine through the air inlet for filtration and purification, and then discharges the filtered air through the air outlet, which can effectively reduce harmful substances such as PM2.5 and peculiar smells in the room. This cycle achieves the purpose of purifying the air. The air path processed by the air purifier is: indoor.

What does this mean? It means that if the air purifier is used for a long time, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the indoor air will continue to increase, and the oxygen will be insufficient, so that stale air is harmful to human health.

Some people may argue that the house is not completely sealed, and there will be some gaps between doors and windows, so outdoor air and indoor air can still be exchanged. However, such a negligible exchange rate cannot meet the human body’s healthy breathing requirements, and the indoor carbon dioxide content will continue to increase.

Therefore, you cannot keep the air purifier on. After a period of use, you must open the windows for ventilation to ensure the freshness of the indoor air. As for how long it takes to ventilate, it mainly depends on the local air quality, the size of the indoor space, the number of people, and the level of indoor air pollution.

Post time: Dec-28-2020