Buying skills of electric shavers

There are two types of electric shavers commonly used in the market: reciprocating and rotary. Rotary shavers vibrate less when in use; for men with short beards, the rotary shaver will shave cleaner, but for men with thick beards, the rotary shaver will cause some pain.

With the continuous improvement of the quality of life in the number of electric shavers, men have higher requirements for shaving comfort. In the past, shavers with a single head have gradually been replaced by shavers with double heads and three heads. eliminated. The double head and the triple head are suitable for different people’s face shapes and the degree of softness and hardness of beards. It is more practical for men with short beards and sparse and soft beards, and it brings the ultimate shaving experience for daily beard care; the shaver with three heads has a larger shaving area and is more suitable for thick and messy beards. The stubble will also be repaired to be more stylish, making it easy to be a charming man.

How long is the life of an electric shaver? How long is the life of an electric shaver generally depends on the quality of the shaver you buy. If the quality is poor, it can not be used for about a month, otherwise it can be used for four or five years. Therefore, if you want to buy an electric razor, you must buy a big brand, and the quality can be used for a long time.

Buying skills of electric shavers

Post time: Feb-11-2022